(En) Information Theory

The math you get used to and the math you understand are different. You may first get used to some math, and then it may take years to understand. –Prof Frank Kschischang

This is an informal oral statement from our lectures. I relate to this statement so much that I would like to put it down here.

Entropy, Relative entropy, and Mutual Information

Entropy is the unique measure of available information consistent with certain simple and plausible requirements. — Shannon, 1948

A quick note on chain rule of probability.

\(p(x_1,x_2,x_3)=p(x_2,x_3\vert x_1)=p((x_3\vert x_2)\vert x_1)p(x_2\vert x_1)p(x_1)=p(x_3\vert x_1,x_2)p(x_2\vert x_1)p(x_1)\). Just imagine finding a probability grid in a 3-D sample space. Find the grid axis after axis.

Encryption Example of Pairwise Independence and Mutual Independence

Please refer to the scenario and the diagram in Probability (概率论). In Encryption application, the following example was mentioned by Prof Kschischang in the lecture and elaborate by the TA Amir Tasbihi.

Change the base of logarithm


\(H_{\text{in bits}}(X)=(\text{log}_2e)H_{\text{in nats}}(X)\).

For Bernoulli random variable \(X\) with probability \(p\), \(H(X)=\mathscr H(p)=-p\text{log}p-(1-p)\text{log}(1-p)\). A tip: \(\frac{d}{dp}\mathscr H(f(p))=f^\prime\text{log}\frac{1-f}{f}\).

Convex Function

Convex Optimization

Gaussian Channel

Bandlimited Channels

Sampling Theorem

A continuous band-limited time-series (to W Hz) can be perfectly reconstructed, if uniformly (in time) sampled with a minimum frequency of 2W. Related theorem: Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. A method is using sinc function, related theorem: Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula. Math was elaborate in this online handout: 10.4: Perfect Reconstruction, check the former section for unclear equations :-).

(Related to 复变函数, since the Fourier transform of the rect is sinc.)

White noise

Refer to 10.2.4 White Noise in H. Pishro-Nik, “Introduction to probability, statistics, and random processes”, available at https://www.probabilitycourse.com, Kappa Research LLC, 2014.

White noise means the power spectral density is a constant, usually denoted as \(\frac{N_0}{2}\) (Watt/Hertz) as related to bandlimited channels (only let frequency in \([-W,W]\) pass through, and the noise power is thus \(N=\frac{N_0}{2}(2W)=N_0W\)). And the corresponding autocorrelation function (Fourier of power spectral, see 10.1.2 Mean and Correlation Functions of the above textbook) is a Dirac delta function. That means the noise sample at different time point is not correlated.

Gaussian White noise is when the noise sample obeys a Gaussian distribution, which can be generated from a Brownian motion (by Stirling’s approximation, as concluded in (En) Stochastic Processes).

Channel Capacity

How to transmit signal using the Bandlimited Gaussian channel? We can send the signal by samples uniformly distributed in time (e.g., your voice message).

Conclusion: \(C=\frac{1}{2}\log(1+\frac{P}{N})\) bits / channel use -> \(C=\frac{1}{2}\log(1+\frac{P/2W}{N_0/2})\) bits / sample -> \(C=W\log(1+\frac{P}{N_0W})\) bits / second. My confusion was solved by figuring out \(N_0\) is the quantity to specify the noise intensity, while for transmitting signals, the signal power is constrained as Watts, and if our sampling frequency is larger, we have to put less energy per sample on the signal…



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