如无特殊说明,本篇在实数域讨论。作为时间顺序上的第一篇,我在此规定整个网站的符号规范:标量用 \(a\),矢量用 \(\vec a\)(并且是物理学家喜欢的列矢量),矩阵用 \(\mathbf a\),二阶张量用 \(\overleftrightarrow{a}\)。和量子力学中的算符无关!但是,如果只是出现了 \(a\),可能是广义上的张量,不一定是标量。区分的原因:笨人太笨,经常连谈论的是几阶张量都想不清楚。
Stokes’ Theorem, in all of its many manifestations, comes down to equating the average of a function on the boundary of some geometric object with the average of its derivative (in a suitable sense) on the interior of the object. — Chapter 5, All the Math you Missed…
Config files for my GitHub profile.